We offer a wide range of Support Services for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), foundations and donors and focus on capacities not all organizations are able to have in-house.
Strategically located in Kampala, Uganda, our consultancy offers pragmatic and evidence-based solutions and “on the ground” support based on our experience in the region. We are open to discussions and to sharing our experiences – we will tell you what is possible and what is not! We have long term partnerships with our clients.
Our team headed by Dr. Justin Sauter (PhD, MBA) has more than 20 years of experience in the Health and Nutrition, Food Security and WASH sectors. We have been involved in (protracted) emergency, LRRD and development approaches and have accompanied our clients in the transition between the different phases.
Our working languages are English, German and French.
Assessments / Project Design / Proposal Writing and Costing
Due to our presence in the region and constant follow-up of unfolding events, especially in South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda and Nigeria, we are able to mobilize quickly for assessments in the most remote places. Based on the assessment results we design projects and develop concept notes as well as whole proposals including costing based on donor-specific regulations and formats. We have successfully written and obtained funding for clients, especially from German and European donors (humanitarian/emergency, LRRD, development).
We have also supported clients in the design of country and regional programs and portfolios in view of the Humanitarian Development Peace (HDP) Nexus and collective outcomes.
Among other assessment techniques, we use the resilience analysis approach and Participatory Rural Appraisal methods, SMART, MIRA as well as geo-spatial mapping. We prefer to collect almost all information locally and on the ground.
We have experience with the Pre-Crisis Market Mapping Analysis (PCMMA) tool and market-oriented aid modalities (cash, vouchers). In the health sector, our interest is in health system financing, performance-based financing and medical drug and equipment logistics.
Evaluations / Feasibility Studies
We have done feasibility studies and external evaluations for projects in the Health & Nutrition, Food Security and WASH sectors for different clients (NGOs, foundations and donors) based on OECD-DAC criteria as well as based on specific evaluation questions.
Our knowledge about the local context(s) and institutional/governmental setup in the different countries as well as the possibility to compare and benchmark projects of similar nature (if required) are added values for our clients.
With our local presence we have been part of larger regional donor commissioned evaluations in partnership with other consulting companies.
Surveys / Project Monitoring Support
We have been hired for Baseline and Endline surveys mostly as socio-economic household surveys with special foci, for example on the affordability of health care or on agricultural production. In the scope of WASH interventions, we have completed Knowledge Attitude and Practice (KAP) surveys.
Data analysis is done with SPSS and in case of the KoboToolbox application we use QGIS for geo-spatial analysis.
We have designed overall project monitoring systems and data collection tools for several clients. Our approach is practical. Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEAL) starts during project design and focuses on the choice of indicators, the set-up of the monitoring system and data collection tools and (last but not least) the responsibilities within the team and the different levels of an organization (location, regional, headquarter).
Partner Assessments and Partner Development
The importance of good local partners is widely acknowledged, but finding them is very challenging.
We support in the choice of partner organizations (partner search, partner assessment etc.) as well as in their organizational development. Usually, an organizational audit/due diligence during the partner assessment is followed by capacity-building measures. The focus here is on managerial and administrative capacities as this is based on our experience the critical area. We have been supporting several local partners over longer periods of time (including strategic planning, coaching of management teams etc.).
Our intention is to select and prepare the partner to successfully contribute to your activities.
Surge Capacity / Transition Management / Trouble Shooting
We provide short term capacity the moment you might not have it in-house.
Over a longer timeframe we have supported organizational changes and transitions for example the set-up of new operations as well as the closure of large locations. We have done Interim Management and Remote Management depending on situational requirements. During COVID-19 we have been following-up clients’ projects due to our ability to move and be on the ground.
Based on our regional experience we are available for process optimizations for example in logistics.
Where We Work

Sauter Consult (U) Ltd.
Kajjansi, Kampala, Uganda